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NHS Employers 

NHS Employers is the employers’ organisation for the NHS in England. Here you'll find a range of projects I've worked on with them.


An illustrated, 24-page print and online document giving step-by-step advice on health-promotion strategies.

Pages from project with NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers

Conference brochures

Pages from project with NHS Employers

Document design and layout produced for HR professionals and mangers working in the NHS.

Pages from project with NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers
Infographic project for NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers
Pages from project with NHS Employers

©  John Clarkson

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